Our services
Predictive engineering solutions tailored to every need
Since 2007, we have accumulated vast experience in providing predictive engineering services in various sectors. Our most requested services include vibration analysis, monitoring and management, shaft alignment and on-site balancing. In addition, we adapt our solutions to the specific needs of each client, ensuring optimal and customized results.

Vibration Analysis
Using spectrum analysis, we can accurately diagnose any fault in rotating equipment. The recorded and printed vibration spectra accompany the final report with the corresponding conclusions and recommendations. Using this technique, we can also study the behavior of structures, detecting the origin of the vibrations and even the existence of resonance.

IoT Asset Monitoring and Management
We have a platform developed entirely in the cloud so you can forget about internal system management. Among other functions, it has integrated maps that offer us real-time asset information with dashboards and analytics for decision-making. Accessible from the web, Android, iOS, counters and data loggers on the market.

Laser Shaft Alignment
This alignment method can be used on all types of coupled shafts in both horizontal and vertical equipment . Laser alignment is extremely accurate, thus achieving greater durability and energy savings for the aligned equipment.
For each alignment carried out, a report will be prepared detailing the conditions before and after the alignment.

"In-Situ" Balancing
We carry out balancing under ISO1940 standards in one or two planes on rotors that rotate between 100 and 40,000 rpm with the DSP Logger Expert portable balancer. This performs the calculation and delivers as a result the position and mass required to correct the imbalance. Thanks to this technique, we can correct the anomaly without having to disassemble the unit.

Thermographic Analysis
The combination of thermography and ultrasound in electrical inspections allows us to detect with greater precision any type of deterioration in high and low voltage installations, allowing us to schedule repairs, avoiding catastrophic failures. In mechanical equipment, thermography allows us to identify the thermal map and detect faults due to high temperature in its components or locate deterioration in thermal insulation.

Leak Detection
We combine two maintenance methods, thermography and ultrasound, to inspect steam traps and prevent leaks and cold traps (blockage of condensate discharge). We also detect compressed air leaks in pipes and pressurized air installations using non-contact ultrasound techniques.

Predictive Engine Analysis
With the Test I Go current signature analyzer, we perform condition testing of motors from a Motor Control Center (MCC) . We can identify potential problems in the power circuit, examine the overall power status of the motor, monitor the load and observe motor performance and estimate energy savings.

Oil and Fuel Analysis
We need to analyse different types of contamination and detect metals in oils. With this technique we can avoid all kinds of setbacks that can cause unexpected breakdowns.